Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Truth Behind Some Beauty Myths?

When it comes to beauty tips and tricks, there's a lot of information out there. How can you separate what really works from what doesn't?
By P. Sabrina

DURING our teenage years, most of us, ladies, would most likely seek advice from our mothers and/or grandmothers on what we should do to keep ourselves “pretty” despite the changes upon our bodies and us.

Some advice may sound sensible, while some seems a little hard to swallow, which brings us to wonder - do the beauty practices handed down to us hold a grain of scientific truth in them, or are they merely old wives tales?

Guinevere Ho, a U.K. Certified Image Consultant and Associate Trainer with First Impressions Image International (Singapore), shares with us, during an email interview, her views on this topic.

Read more about beauty myths.

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