Friday, July 4, 2008

5 Ways To Dress Slimmer

Wear whatever you like, just make sure it fits your body shape
By Sabrina Ong

IN TODAY'S “world of fashion” anything goes! You no longer need to follow the crowd to belong – after all, fashion trends inspire constant evolution. But what is crucial is that you pick out the right clothes that fit your body shape.

“It is all about scale and proportion,” says Guinevere Ho, a U.K. Certified Image Consultant and Associate Trainer with First Impressions Image International (Singapore) and one of the three speakers at 88DB City Events' "A Brand New You" seminar in July.

“Pay attention to the designs, patterns in clothes, accessories and lines. They should be correctly scaled. A fuller figure person in small prints will only accentuate [her shape]. Likewise, a petite frame can be overpowered by large, bold prints. Scale is important and the whole silhouette should be well proportioned.”

Women want to look slimmer, most of the time at least. Perhaps it is because we know that there will be an event where we know photographs will be taken and don’t want the extra ten camera-pounds to show.

So, the question now is: “How can you pick out clothes that make you look slimmer?”

Read more on how to dress slimmer.

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