Whether it's a dog, cat, turtle or bird, this guide to exercising your favourite companion has got you covered
YOU know it's good for you. You know that exercise can give you energy, help you maintain a healthy weight, keep your muscles and joints flexible, help you live longer, and above all, make you feel better. For all the same reasons, your pets need to get up and get moving. Not only can exercise extend your furry friends' lives; it may also expend some of their nervous energy and make them a little less likely to chew on the living room drapes.
The thing is, nobody's filled pets in on all of these
benefits of pet exercise. Without someone to lead the way, they're not going to run laps or do leg lifts in their spare time. So as a wonderful pet parent, part of your job is ensuring your animal family members get safe, enjoyable exercise on a regular basis―whether they're cats, dogs, turtles, or ferrets! All pets need some physical activity to live a happy, healthy life.
how to exercise your pets.
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