Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sushi Cake, Anyone?

It would make a fantastic centrepiece — even better than a naked woman
By James P. Ong

EVER heard of sushi cakes? Neither have we, until we stumbled onto this photo (see original post) from a blog. Apparently, the bride and groom were known to love sushi so much that their friends decided to bake them this cake made with avocado, edamame, wasabi, raw salmon, tuna and roe. And topped with wasabi icing and drizzled in soy sauce!

We were intrigued enough to start looking for sushi cakemakers in Singapore, but alas, we found none. But we did spy an advertisement in promoting the culinary courses of California-Asia Sushi Academy, which teaches its students fun ways of preparing Japanese food.

Read more about Sushi Cakes.

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