Wednesday, November 7, 2007

DIY Dog Grooming

Save at least $50 a month with our easy-step guide
By Stephanie Marilyn Martin

EVER wondered how much you can save if you cut down on your pet grooming costs every month?

Well, truth is, pet owners spend a minimum of about $50 each month to groom their pooches. That adds up to a total of $600 every year just for dog grooming! You can easily save on this by grooming your own pet. For many of us, this may seem like a daring venture to pursue. It’s much simpler than you think it is, though.

Here’s a guide on basic grooming for your pup. Follow it and I guarantee it will leave you several hundred dollars happier each year!

To read more about DIY Dog Grooming, visit 88DB Lifestyle.

1 comment:

Jack said...

dog grooming tools

wow... find it interesting... hope it'll be beneficial for me and my friends...

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