LET’S do some mathematics: If a student tuitions for two hours, twice a week, charging $20 per hour, how much would he make? It would be $320 every month. Compared to other $6 per hour F&B jobs, tuitioning brings in much more cash than that.
Here’s how to go about it all.
Nur Farahanah, 23, is a part-time tutor who teaches English, Mathematics, Science, and Malay for all primary school levels. She charges from $12 to $20 per hour, depending on the number of subjects and the home tuition location.
“I started tuitioning two years back, when my niece needed help with her studies. I found it pretty enjoyable, so I decided to get a little more serious in tuitioning because I realised it could actually give me a steady flow of income,” Farahanah said.
She’s currently handling four other students, and enjoys the extra bucks earned aside from her other part-time job as a camp instructor.
There are many tuition agencies available online, and are often painless to register with. If you’re currently a university student, try Campus Tutors. Besides a free registration with them, they have fixed subject syllabuses for you to follow, so you don’t have to crack your brains to come up with a study plan for your tuition kid.
Charges are also negotiable between the parents and the tuition teacher, but parents are advised to stick to the chart below, as tutors might only impart half of their knowledge on to your child if you underpay them.
Kindergarten Level
Undergards/Graduates - $10-15
NIE trained teachers - $10-22
Full Time - $15-27
Lower Primay Level
Undergards/Graduates - $12-20
NIE trained teachers - $12-30
Full Time - $17-35
Upper Primary Level
Undergards/Graduates - $17-25
NIE trained teachers - $17-40
Full Time - $22-45
Lower Secondary Level
Undergards/Graduates - $17-30
NIE trained teachers - $17-45
Upper Secondary Level
Undergards/Graduates - $20-35
NIE trained teachers - $20-50
Full Time - $25-55
A Level
Undergards/Graduates - $25-40
NIE trained teachers - $25-60
Full Time - $30-65
Keith Ng, Marketing Officer, from Campus Tutors advises, “The most important qualities to possess as a tuition teacher is a high level of patience with the kids, as well as first-rate skills in your specialised subject.”
However, you don’t have to aspire to be a kindergarten teacher to be a tutor.
Chee Wei Yan, 20, has been tutoring since her Junior College days, but rarely now that she has to concentrate on her University studies. She has encountered kids who fall asleep blatantly during tuition sessions, spoilt kids who are rude and bicker with her, as well as kids who are absolute angels.
“Tuitioning is good easy money. Just as long as you understand the needs of your tuition student and structure your lessons to cater to his or her needs, it should be rather standard after a few sessions,” he muses. “Personally, I usually teach maths. So during lessons the student will just show me her homework questions and I guide her along. For English lessons however, I would think need to think of interesting methods to help her with her weaker areas.”
It can be a rewarding experience for those with a passion for working with the younger crowd, but it all boils down to the money doesn’t it? So why not give tuitioning a go if are sick being broke at the end of the month, just before you start bugging your parents for additional pocket money.
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