Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rock And Roll Straight Up At HGR Event

The Rakes played so hard one of their supporting guitarist ripped his shirt by the second song
by Mavis Ang

“WE’RE not a metal band. We’re from England,” Alan Danahoe proclaimed, and proceeded to adjust his collar. Perhaps when faced with a half-enthusiastic crowd, The Rakes felt the need for formal introduction midway into the set.

UK indie band The Rakes made their debut performance at Heineken Green Room’s (HGR) latest session at Zouk last Thursday night. As Heineken’s exclusive community organizes nightlife events that are limited to invite-only entries, it has gotten common music lovers in Singapore worked up and frustrated.

Alan Jemeny, 22, has been a fan of The Rakes since they were in the early stages of fame. He felt it was a shame to deprive other supporters from getting into the gig, and considers himself a very lucky fan.

Read more about The Rakes at the HGR Event.

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