Tuesday, May 6, 2008

4 Out Of 7 Golds For Aussie Wines

Other winners at Wine&SpiritsAsia Challenge 2008 — which heightens a wine’s international recognition and marketing exposure — include Germany, Austria and Italy
By James P. Ong

AUSTRALIAN wines emerged with the most number of gold awards at last week’s Wine&SpiritsAsia Challenge (if you’re wondering why the words are so close to each other, it could be because the logo designer was doing some wine-tasting on his own!) at the Singapore Expo.

What happens at a Wine Challenge? “A Vineyard Story” tells us: “Wines in such competitions are always tasted blind and in a controlled environment: temperature of wines, aroma-free tasting glasses, good lighting, and of course, good servers. All wines will be tasted in flights (batches), to be completed in a given time frame. And NO, you are not allowed in such a ‘tensed’ environment of tasting, no visitors allowed! Authorised personnel only! And I’m sorry if your Gold Medal Wine from somewhere only gets a Bronze Medal here, no appeals will be entertained.”

Read more about the Wine&SpiritsAsia Challenge 2008.

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