Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Last Chance To Jam With The Rakes

Exclusive Heineken music group runs contest for rare tickets to UK band’s concert
By Mavis Ang

THE people at Heineken Green Room (HGR) are playing hard to get. Set up as an exclusive community of trendsetters and leaders among the local music scene, HGR has been holding invite-only events which common music-loving folk like us can only dream of attending.

HGR elevates Singapore’s nightlife scene to steeper heights with live music and a DJ set from UK art-rockers The Rakes for the next HGR session at Zouk on March 27. It marks the first South East Asian performance for The Rakes, but for the HGR team, it’s just yet another exceptional event put together.

Read more about the Heineken Green Room.

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