Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cooking Tips From Master Chefs for $48

Great deal for foodies and closet cooks
By James P. Ong

IF YOU’RE a closet cook like most of us, the type who regularly surfs the Web for recipes and cooking lessons, then you’ll be thrilled to hear this news: five top chefs from all over the world are holding culinary lessons this Saturday at the Singapore Tourism Board, as part of the World Gourmet Summit.

According to the organisers, “each chef will be conducting a cooking demonstration and prepare two of their signature dishes.” And taste portions of the food! This is a superb deal especially for those who were unable to attend these chefs’ private dinners because of the tummy-growling prices.

For only $48++ per class, you can “witness the best of the culinary finesse of these international master chefs.”Each chef will share their secrets to the great cuisines as well as answer he enquiries.

Read more for cooking lessons from master chefs.

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