Get to know 987 FM’s atypical, slightly evil radio presentersBy Mavis Ang

First introduced to us as
television personalities, Rosalyn Lee, 29, and Shan Wee, 26, have moved on to being among the few likeable
DJs on local airwaves. To me at least, for I’m not a fan of
DJs who constantly speak in exclamation marks and try hard to make jokes on air all the time.
The 6-month-old Shan & Rozz show is what
radio should be like – maximum music, minimum repetitive
radio games and tiresome sound bites, and interesting discussions. Although their 4pm to 8pm weekday slots on 987 FM may sound like it lacks personality, you’ll be surprised by the spontaneous and unusual insights on day-to-day topics by Shan and Rosalyn.
Talking to both personalities behind the console made me realise that Shan and Rozz carried themselves exactly like they do on the show. Rosalyn is open, willing to share her experiences, and voices out her genuine opinions, whereas Shan’s more laidback and private. Plus, both were as easy on the eyes as they are on the ears.
We got around to talk about
music, dealing with criticism, family planning, and toilet paper, as we got to know the voices behind the
Shan & Rozz show.
Read to know more about these
radio DJs.