Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tantric Massage Can Be Wholesome

‘I think most men would simply like to believe that the touch is sexual’
By James P. Ong

SAY Tantric massage and the first thing that’s likey to come to mind is sensuality and sexuality. But if Tantra Path founder Christina Low is to be believed, it can be also be about spirituality and re-channeling energy.

There are various therapies under the wide umbrella of Tantra. “Watsu/Tantsu/ Kahuna are all forms of Tantra in a (non-genital) massage. And, of course, Kashmir Tantric massage that I teach is based on giving from a loving heart, and not a search for more physical triggers to gain arousal,” she says.

On 30 August, Low is holding a course on “Tantric Massage For Two” — one of three Tantric-themed workshops that day. What, exactly, is Tantric massage? According to the course outline, it is the massage of a loving heart and sensual touch.

Read more about how Tantric Massage Can Be Wholesome.

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