Monday, August 18, 2008

The Michael Phelps Diet

Watch the video — the Olympic star eats 12,000 calories a day
By James P. Ong

BEIJING Olympics sensation Michael Phelps’s diet secret is simple: He eats 12,000 calories a day. "Eat, sleep and swim. That's all I can do…get some calories into my system and try to recover the best I can,” said the 23-year-old American swimmer in an interview with US television station NBC, as reported by New York Post.

This should hardly be a surprise. As far back as 2005, in an interview with IGN Sports, he already boasted about “cramming in as many calories…as I possibly can.” What a lucky guy.

Click on our Michael Phelps story to read the rest of the Michael Phelps interview and watch the Michael Phelps video.

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