Monday, November 12, 2007

8 Ways To Get Better Sleep

Re-energize yourself this weekend by catching up on that much needed beauty sleep
By Ronald Wan

UNLESS you’re some famous celebrity doing a world tour or a yuppie clinching five-figure deals everyday, you ought to be having regular sleep. Our point here is that sleep is important and more often than not, we always don’t sleep well or catch enough winks. How many times have you woken up complaining of not having enough sleep and dragging yourself to work all weary and sleepy?

Babies sleep about 17 hours everyday while older children sleep about 10 hours each night. We adults need about 7-8 hours of sleep, but it varies with individuals. As we get older, we tend to wake up more easily, so here’s a piece of advice: when you’re still worthy of age, get your regular sleep.

To read more and get simple suggestions on how to sleep better, visit 88DB Lifestyle now.

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