Thursday, March 20, 2008

There's More To Dog Massage Than Pampering

Rhythmic strokes, joint movements and deep kneading-yes, dogs deserve a massage too, whether it's for therapy or relaxation, and they can get it at Pawsitive Sensations, $25 for 30 minutes
By James P. Ong

MONTY is an 11-year-old corgi who has been going for his weekly 40-minute dog massage since March 2007. The moment he enters the doors of Pawsitive Sensations, he goes straight to the dog massage room and assumes the lying position in front of owner and therapist Zoe Gan, who begins the session with long strokes on Monty’s body, and then progresses to rhythmic strokes, joint movements and deep kneading.

While Monty lies on his side, two ladies wait after him: Gemma, his master, and a helper. Every so often, the two pluck out fresh tissues from a plastic container and wipe the drool off Monty, who is fast falling asleep despite the constant rumble caused by two other dogs in the room.

For canine owners in Singapore, dog massage is something whose time has come. As more and more single people acquire dogs as a companion, those with a considerable dispensable income would like to pamper their bundles of joy not just with toys and accessories but also services.

Read more on There's More To Dog Massage Than Pampering.

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