Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sondre Lerche, The Part-Time Crazy Singer Songwriter

25-year-old Norweigan sensation performs at the Mosaic Music Festival
by Mavis Ang

“IT’S still a mystery to me how music travels and how I end up in the most unusual places,” says Sondre Lerche, the 25-year-old singer from Norway who has endured a long flight to Singapore to perform at the Mosaic Music Festival. “The songs, they’re really fast. I have to sit on a plane and read, and my back hurts, but the songs have different ways of getting there.”

Having toured a great deal in 2007, Sondre Lerche intended to slow things down this
year, but when the Mosaic Music Festival invited him he couldn’t turn it down. “It’s terrific to perform in a country for the first time. It’s quite a kick, and a sensation. When the audience knows the songs, and some shout for other songs, for an artist, it’s the biggest privilege of all,” he confesses.

Read more on Sondre Lerche.

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