Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Death of Passwords

3 Easy steps to increasing user productivity, enhancing authentication, and lowering password reset costs with Enterprise Single Sign-On.

Every user has personally experienced password frustration: the inability to remember a password for an important application when you need it, and the difficulty and delay in getting the password reset by the IT help desk. This results in frequent calls to the help desk for password resets, which are estimated to cost USD$25 (SGD$38) to USD$40 (SGD$61) per call. Whilst waiting for the password to return to the application, there is lost productivity of the user too.

In an attempt to counter this problem, most users end up selecting easily remembered “obvious” passwords like a variation on their name, birth date, or social security number. Unfortunately, these passwords become vulnerable to cyber attacks from hackers, leading to security breaches.

Computer industry gurus such as Bill Gates are now calling for the elimination of passwords. “There is no doubt that over time, people are going to rely less and less on passwords. In time, we will completely replace passwords”, he concluded.

Read more on the Enterprise Single Sign-On.

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