Monday, September 15, 2008

Burn, Baby, Burn

Feel how it is to burn in the fires of hell at Chinese artist Miao Xiaochun's exhibit

BEIJING-based multidisciplinary artist Miao Xiaochun (b. 1964) will showcase new works in a solo exhibition, entitled "Miao Xiaochun: Microcosm", which opens at Osage Singapore today.

Osage is an international gallery group with major exhibition spaces in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Singapore. It represents some of the most outstanding artists in Asia and works closely with a variety of internationally respected curators, critics and art historians to present and promote exhibitions that address fundamental global issues.

In his newest work, Microcosm Chinese artist Miao Xiaochun re-imagines Hieronymus Bosch’s famous 15th century masterpiece, "The Garden of Earthly Delights".

Read more about Miao Xiaochun's art exhibit.

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